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About us


The Global Shapers Community is a global movement of extraordinary young people, influencing positive change through dialogue and action. Shapers all over the world are united by a common desire to channel the members’ energy and enthusiasm into building a more peaceful and inclusive world.


Global Shapers is an initiative of the World Economic Forum (perhaps best known for running the annual Davos conference). As a community we have unique access and support from WEF but we are ultimately self-organised and our success as a hub depends on our members’ drive and demonstrated commitment for positive social and environmental impact.


There are over 300 hubs across 158 countries around the world and over 7,000 Shapers internationally. London is one of the most established hubs in the network and we benefit from having many Shapers who’ve moved here from abroad and travel through.


The London hub is part of a global community with local, national and regional events, allowing young social impact leaders to meet, build friendships and work together on hub projects and topics that matter most to them.


With the largest youth population in history, there is an unprecedented opportunity for young people to take an active role in shaping the future. Our generation has inherited enormous global challenges, but we have the ability to confront the status quo and offer youth-led solutions for change.


There is no one one-size-fits-all “Shapers type”. The London hub is a group of almost 50 individuals (by our community charter, membership numbers are capped) who encompass a wide range of backgrounds, careers and interests. Our members include writers, entrepreneurs, investors, doctors, lawyers, academics, activists, policymakers and many others. 


What unites us is our ambition, leadership and a desire to use our skills and opportunities to make a difference to our communities in London and the wider world. We are also committed to enacting hub projects benefiting those beyond the Global Shapers’ community.

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